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The Cast:


ANDY: 17 – A little on the heavy side. Stands 5’11” to 6’ or more.

RALPH: 17 - Medium build,=. Stands about 5’9” to 5’11.” 

JOEY: 15 – Athletic built. Stands about 5’5” to 5’7.”

CRYSTAL: 16 – An attractive, sensuous looking girl.


Time: 90 minutes without intermission


“Crystal” takes place in an abandoned woodshed circa 1981 in a suburban community in eastern Pennsylvania. Andy, 17, has left the body of a 16-year-old girl under the floor. Hoping to gain status with two close friends, Ralph and Joey, he brings them to view the body. However, when they return the next day, the hole under the floor is empty, and Crystal, the girl, appears soiled and livid, enters from outside.


What follows is an intense and gritty character study of teens whose behavior mirrors the chaotic world outside the shed. Overweight and insecure, Andy expresses his frustrations with the women around him. Ralph hides his pain at his brother’s death behind an emotionally thickening wall; Joey will do almost anything to dispel his all-American boy image, and Crystal’s search for love leads instead to violence. Insightful and compassionate, “Crystal “ provides a startling glimpse into four desperate young lives.


“Crystal” was originally produced by The Latino Experimental Fantastic Theatre in New York City in 2001, directed by Gabriel Gorces.




Price:  $100/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:


FRANCISCO (aka SEBASTIAN) - Father of LIZA ROBERTS, Immigrant from Cuba, age 65 -71

LIZA ROBERTS - Daughter to SEBASTIAN, aged 44- 47

BILL ROBERTS - Husband to LIZA, Age 46-49

KELLY ROBERTS - Daughter to LIZA and BiILL, high school graduate


Time: 75 minutes without intermission 


Tide Beyond the Rift "is a story about a father and daughter coming together to develop a relationship that has been lost for years. 


Liza, a middle school teacher, is happy with her husband, Bill, and their daughter Kelly. Her only emotional drawback is her childhood experience in Cuba, where she was forced to leave her parents for the United States during the Castro revolution. 


Although she was told that her father, Sebastian, was still alive, Liza spent most of her years in foster care. The surprise of hearing from him through letters he recently sent her causes her to relive those impressionable years she would like to forget. However, her husband convinces her that she should get to know him and invites him to spend the summer at their beach home.


Gradually, Liza comes around and eventually bonds with Sebastian. Both find comfort with each other's presence until he shatters it by confessing to Liza his true reasons for spending the summer with her and her family. What he reveals may permanently damage her ability to trust and love again. 



"Tide Beyond the Rift" was originally produced by Mixing It Up Productions in 2014, directed by José A. Esquea. It was nominated for three awards at the Midtown International Theatre Festival.




Price:  $80/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.




The Cast:


DR. IRRIZARY – a middle age Hasidic Jew

MEL – a mid-30s to mid-40s Puerto Rican ear and nose doctor


Time: 20 minutes


“Accent” revolves around two men of different ethnic and professional backgrounds who come together unexpectedly because of a problem encountered by one. Mel Cohen, a middle-aged Hasidic Jewish merchant, enters Doctor Irizarry’s office upset because of the Spanish accent he woke up with. Dr. Irizarry, who happens to be Puerto Rican, is more concerned about his attitude than he is with Mr. Cohen’s new accent. Eventually, they both begin to understand each other’s position and perception, which later leads to a channel of communication.


“Accent” was originally produced by Forth Worth Theatre in Texas at The  2000 Hispanic Playwrights Festival.



Price:  $25/performance            


The Cast:


FLYER– a 38 to 45-year-old policeman.

READER – a 38 to 45-year-old teacher.


 Time: 25 minutes


 "Fly A Kite" is a dark comedy where an off-duty policeman releases his frustrations with his wife by flying his kite in the park. Unexpectedly, he comes across a teacher lying in the grass and reading his newspaper. He is startled by the policeman shooting birds who come near his kite. Because of the policeman's actions, they begin to be at odds until they talk about the problems that they're having with their significant other, causing a testosterone bond between the two.




Price:  $30/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:


JOSE – a Hispanic male in his 30s.

TOM – a  white “male” in his late 30s to early 40s.

BELLE – a wolf in a woman’s body


Time: 25 minutes 


"Eclipse" is a surreal comedy of characters who pretend to be what they aren't. Jose is a Hispanic male in a "white" man's body, Tom is a "white" male in an African American man's body, and Belle is a wolf in a woman's body. They all unexpectedly come together near an abstract statue late at night. What the men begin to notice is how daunting the full moon looks. Belle feels right at home with the moon's transformation.


“Eclipse” was originally produced by The Third Step Theatre Company in 1992, directed by Ellen Lewis.




 Price:  $30/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.




The Cast:


MILTON – A man in his mid-30s, an impulsive, tense, and struggling actor.

DIANE – A woman in her late 20s, a single mom with an independent spirit.


Time: 15 minutes


“War” is about a man named Milton brought to court by his former girlfriend, Diane, for child support. Milton thinks that Diane is being unfair because he made it clear to her that having kids is not a consideration in their relationship. Diane doesn’t really want his help but realizes that she can’t financially support the baby alone. After going through a few accusations and misunderstandings, Diane and Milton are able to amicably resolve their differences.


“War ” was originally produced by Caicedo Productions at the Houston Theatre in Theatre Row, New York City, and directed by Lourdes Sepulveda.




Price:  $20/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:


LLOYD -  A late 30s to mid-40s African American College Coach.

MARTY – A late 30s to mid-40s Jewish American Attorney


Time: 15 minutes


“Anything But Black” is a thought-provoking and humorous play that challenges us to examine ourselves and our beliefs about race and family. The story takes place in a suburban cigar shop where two best friends, an African American and a Jewish American, are about to exchange their daughters’ dolls because of the race the dolls represent. They soon discover the flaws in their perception of one another and themselves.




The set only requires two chairs (preferably sofa chairs) and a small table that stands between the two chairs with an ashtray. The background can suggest a wall shelf of different cigar brands, but it’s an option.


“Anything But Black ” was originally produced by Mixing It Up Productions in 2005. It was selected by The Riant Theatre to be included in its anthology, “The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival.”




Price:  $20/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:


Anthony – a 38 – 42-year-old Italian American businessman who travels to Japan, quite frequently.

Marsha – a transvestite in his late 20s to mid-30s.

Matre’D – a South Asian in her mid-20s to early 30s.

Waiter – Hispanic in his early to mid-20s

Chef – Hispanic in his mid-40s to early 50s.

Luther – a mid to late-20s gay man


Time: 10 minutes               Preview 


“Tossed Salad” is a short play set in a Japanese restaurant in the borough of Queens, New York. Anthony tries to impress his date by taking her to an authentic Japanese restaurant but soon discovers that authenticity is a thing of the past in diverse New York City. 


“Tossed Salad ” was originally produced by Mixing It Up Productions in The Players Theatre’s 2016 Short Plays and Musical Festival, directed by Mary Dimino.​




Price:  $15/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:





Time: 10 minutes             Preview 


“Indifference” is a satire of two college students trying to be politically involved with the plight of the common folk. In their effort to reach out in public, the signs they hold appear to have no effect. Eventually, they question each other’s commitment and go their separate ways.


“Indifference ” was originally produced by Mixing It Up Productions in The Short Play Lab, directed by Alice Camarota.




Price:  $15/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.




The Cast:








Time: 15 minutes 


In “Tooth,” Adamanda is excited about what she’ll find under her pillow when she wakes up. However, she finds it hard to sleep when she is visited by three tooth fairies who desperately want her tooth.


“Tooth” was originally produced by Youth Education on Stage Festival in Williston, North Dakota.




Price: $15/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.



The Cast:










Time: 45 minutes


"Why De Donkey So Stubborn" is set in the U.S. Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, where a brown donkey is protesting how animals are being discriminated against and treated unfairly by the farmers. However, he doesn't realize he's no different than the farmers regarding his attitude toward horses. The language is in English, colored by West Indian dialect, with lots of humor and a message for a family to enjoy.

“Why De Donkey So Stubborn” was originally produced by The Virgin Islands Players in St. Thomas,
 US. Virgin Islands.




Price: $50/performance - Please select the number of performances you wish to purchase a license for.


Mixing It Up Productions is a multi-media entertainment company that develops, produces, and licenses intellectual properties in theatres, music, and film/video.

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